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March 4, 2024 by admin 0 Comments

Pay Less, Enjoy More – Extend Your Party to 2.5 Hours at Jumbaloo Playgrounds!

Are you ready to supercharge your party experience without breaking the bank? Look no further than JUMBALOO! We’re excited to announce our latest promotion that allows you to enjoy an extra 30 minutes of fun at no additional cost. That’s right – with our special party offer, you’ll have more time to play, laugh, and create unforgettable memories with your friends and family.

Here’s what’s included in our 2.5-hour party package:

  1. Access to Enjoy Extra Half Hour Party:

Extend your party to a thrilling 2.5 hours, all for the price of our regular 2-hour party package. Find party packages.

1080 x 1350 - 6

iii) Space for Party Decor: Personalize your party space with decorations and themes of your choice, creating a festive atmosphere that reflects your unique style.

iv) Free Access to Playground Structure
: Let the kids unleash their energy as they explore our exciting playground structure, trampoline, filled with slides, ball pit, tunnels, and more.

v) Access to Arcade Area: Take a break from the action and enjoy some friendly competition in our arcade area, complete with a variety of games and prizes.

*applicable to Regular packages

vi) Access to Snack Rack: 

Treat your guests to a variety of high-quality snacks, candies, and beverages from our Snack Rack area.

*Please note: Purchases incur additional costs.

vii) Zero Cleaning Cost: Relax and enjoy the party – we’ll take care of the cleanup at no additional cost, leaving you free to focus on making memories.

*Please note this promotion does not applies to private party and offered into following time slots (Weekends) Only:

  • 9:30am – 12:00pm
  • 5:30pm – 8:00pm

Ready to Book Your Party Today but How?

Simply visit us in-store to book your party and let the excitement begin!

Quick Suggestion!

In case the slot gets reserved early, we suggest booking your party three months in advance.

Having Questions? Our in-store and social media team would love to help you provide information if further needed, feel free to direct message us on Facebook and Instagram. OR call us at 𝟵𝟬𝟱-𝟳𝟴𝟱-𝟯𝟵𝟵𝟬

Find us here📍:


At Jumbaloo, birthday bashes are all about making memories, not stressing out! We’re here to put smiles on your faces, one party at a time!

Chinese parents taking their child to school in the morning
March 4, 2024 by admin 0 Comments

Establishing a Morning Routine for Kids: How to Get It Right

Establishing a Morning Routine for Kids: How to Get It Right
Establishing a morning routine for kids can be challenging, especially if your child is used to sleeping in late or procrastinating on homework. A good morning routine sets the tone for the rest of the day and helps kids stay organized and prepared. It’s also an important way to ensure that children have enough time for school-related tasks, physical activity, and other activities. In this blog post, we’ll outline some tips on how to help your child develop a successful morning routine that works for them and their lifestyle.

Why is a Morning Routine Important?
A well-structured morning routine is essential for helping children establish healthy habits that will carry into adulthood. A consistent daily schedule can help reduce stress levels by providing structure and certainty. This can make it easier for kids to transition from one activity to the next and feel more in control of their day. Additionally, a good morning routine can help kids feel more energized as they get ready for school or other activities throughout the day.

Steps to Establishing a Morning Routine

1. Set an Early Bedtime – Getting enough sleep at night is essential for energy levels during the day, which makes setting an early bedtime crucial for establishing a successful morning routine. You may need to gradually adjust your child’s bedtime until they are able to wake up at the desired time to get enough sleep each night.

2. Set Clear Goals – Work with your child to set clear goals and expectations each morning, including specific tasks they should complete before leaving home such as brushing teeth, getting dressed, eating breakfast, or packing their bag. Setting these goals ahead of time will give them something tangible to work towards during their morning routine without feeling overwhelmed or rushed under pressure once they start their day.

3. Set Up Clocks – Having clocks visible throughout the house can be helpful reminders when transitioning between activities during their morning routine since it encourages children keep track of how much time has passed since they started their day (and how much time is left). The clock should be placed somewhere where you know your child looks each day so that it serves as an effective reminder when it’s time transition into another task or activity to stay on track with their schedule.

4. Allow Time for Self-Care – Encouraging children to practice self-care routines like stretching or yoga before starting their day can help them set intentions and reset mentally prior facing any challenges ahead of them throughout the course of the day while instilling healthy habits at the same time!

5. Celebrate Successes – At the end of each successful week, take some time out together or reward your child with something special like going out for ice cream! This will not only provide incentive but also reinforce positive behavior associated with maintaining a consistent morning routine each week long-term!

Establishing a regular morning routine can be difficult at first but having a few simple strategies in place can help make it easier over time! With consistency along comes habit formation and success! If you need assistance getting your kid into a structured and beneficial morning routine contact Jumbaloo today!


Happiness is family story time.
January 4, 2024 by admin 0 Comments

The Power of Positive Reinforcement: Tips for Getting Your Kids to Try New Things

For kids, trying new things can be a stressful and daunting experience. Whether it’s introducing a new food, taking on a new activity, or facing a difficult challenge, the idea of venturing out of their comfort zones can often be too much. However, as parents and caregivers, we know that it’s important to foster an environment where our children will feel comfortable being creative and taking risks. One way we can do this is by using the power of positive reinforcement to encourage them to try new things.

What is Positive Reinforcement?
Positive reinforcement means rewarding desirable behavior with something enjoyable or reinforcing. This could be verbal praise or rewards such as stickers or treats. It’s important to note that positive reinforcement should not be confused with bribery – bribes should never be used as an incentive for good behavior as it teaches kids that they must do something to receive something in return rather than doing it simply because it is the right thing to do.

Why Does Positive Reinforcement Work?
Positive reinforcement works because it is powerful tool for teaching kids how to behave in certain situations and how to form good habits. When children are praised or rewarded for doing something well, they learn that their actions have consequences and that performing a desired task will result in a reward – this encourages them to continue engaging in the same desired behavior over time. Additionally, positive reinforcement helps children build self-esteem and confidence which gives them greater motivation when attempting unfamiliar activities.

How Can You Use Positive Reinforcement?
The key to effectively using positive reinforcement is ensuring that your child understands what you expect from them and making sure that you provide consistent feedback about their performance. Begin by setting clear expectations for your child – explain why trying new things is important and discuss what kind of behavior you would like them to demonstrate during these activities (e.g., focus, concentration). Then you should provide regular feedback about their efforts – praising the small successes along the way such as participating in the activity even if they don’t succeed at it right away. Finally, make sure you reward your child with verbal praise or a special treat when they complete a task successfully!

In conclusion, positive reinforcement is an effective way of encouraging your kids to take risks and try new things safely and confidently. Remember that consistency is key when utilizing this technique – so make sure you set clear expectations for your child and provide consistent feedback about their progress to ensure successful results! If you need help getting started with this process, reach out to Jumbaloo for more information about how we can help create strong foundational building blocks for learning