June 2, 2024 by admin 0 Comments

Discover the Ultimate Summer Savings with Jumbaloo’s Summer Pass!

As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, summer is the perfect time to let your kids explore, play, and celebrate. At Jumbaloo Playgrounds, we believe in making every moment count. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our exclusive Summer Pass! For just $15, you can unlock a treasure trove of savings worth over $110. Here’s a closer look at what this fantastic offer includes and how it can make your summer unforgettable.

  • Buy One Get One Free Coupons: Enjoy twice the fun with our BOGO coupons. Perfect for playdates, these coupons ensure that your little ones can bring a friend along for free and double the adventure in our incredible Jungle Gym.
  • $50 Off Birthday Bookings: Planning a birthday party this summer? Our Summer Pass includes a $50 discount on weekend birthday bookings. Celebrate your child’s special day in one of our well-equipped party rooms, designed to provide endless fun and memorable experiences.
  • Free Slushies: Beat the heat with our refreshing slushies! The Summer Pass includes coupons for free slushies, keeping your kids cool and happy during their playtime.
  • Discounted Kids Playtime Admission: Enjoy discounted admission rates, allowing you to bring your kids to Jumbaloo more often without breaking the bank. Whether it’s a spontaneous visit or a planned outing, our Summer Pass makes it affordable.
  • Summer Camp Registration Discount: Thinking about enrolling your child in our annual summer camp? The Summer Pass provides a discount on registration, giving your child a chance to enjoy a variety of fun and educational activities at a reduced price.
  • Free Arcade Access: Dive into the fun with free access to our arcade! The Summer Pass includes a playcard worth $5, giving your kids a chance to enjoy their favorite games and win exciting prizes.
  • Free Playtime Admissions: Your kids experience endless fun with free playtime admissions. The Summer Pass ensures that your children can enjoy all the activities Jumbaloo has to offer without any additional cost.

Why Choose the Summer Pass?

The Summer Pass offers unparalleled value, providing your family with a season of enjoyment for just $15. Here’s why it’s a must-have:

  •  Incredible Savings: With over $110 worth of coupons and discounts, the Summer Pass is a budget-friendly way to enjoy all that Jumbaloo has to offer.
  • Perfect for School Breaks: The Summer Pass is the main source of joy for kids during their school break. With easy access to our facilities, children can head to Jumbaloo to enjoy a variety of activities and make the most of their summer vacation.
  • Flexibility: The pass is valid until September 2nd, 2024, giving you ample time to take advantage of the fantastic deals.
  • Fun for All Ages: From toddlers to pre-teens, there’s something for everyone at Jumbaloo. Our diverse range of activities ensures that every visit is filled with excitement.

Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to make the most of your summer! Purchase your Jumbaloo Summer Pass today and get ready for a season of laughter, play, and savings.

Ages 4-12 years old

The Jumbaloo Experience

At Jumbaloo Playgrounds, we offer the following main attractions designed to engage and delight children of ages from 2-12.

  •  Jungle Gym: Our sprawling Jungle Gym is a paradise for young adventurers. Featuring a range of obstacles and interactive systems, it’s the perfect place for kids to boost their physical activity while having a blast.
  • Party Rooms: Our well-equipped party rooms are perfect for hosting unforgettable celebrations. With plenty of space and fun-filled amenities, every party at Jumbaloo is a hit!
  • Summer Camp: Each year, our summer camp provides an exciting mix of activities that promote learning, creativity, and fun. It’s the perfect environment for kids to make new friends and create lasting memories.

New-img (1)
March 4, 2024 by admin 0 Comments

Pay Less, Enjoy More – Extend Your Party to 2.5 Hours at Jumbaloo Playgrounds!

Are you ready to supercharge your party experience without breaking the bank? Look no further than JUMBALOO! We’re excited to announce our latest promotion that allows you to enjoy an extra 30 minutes of fun at no additional cost. That’s right – with our special party offer, you’ll have more time to play, laugh, and create unforgettable memories with your friends and family.

Here’s what’s included in our 2.5-hour party package:

  1. Access to Enjoy Extra Half Hour Party:

Extend your party to a thrilling 2.5 hours, all for the price of our regular 2-hour party package. Find party packages.

1080 x 1350 - 6

iii) Space for Party Decor: Personalize your party space with decorations and themes of your choice, creating a festive atmosphere that reflects your unique style.

iv) Free Access to Playground Structure
: Let the kids unleash their energy as they explore our exciting playground structure, trampoline, filled with slides, ball pit, tunnels, and more.

v) Access to Arcade Area: Take a break from the action and enjoy some friendly competition in our arcade area, complete with a variety of games and prizes.

*applicable to Regular packages

vi) Access to Snack Rack: 

Treat your guests to a variety of high-quality snacks, candies, and beverages from our Snack Rack area.

*Please note: Purchases incur additional costs.

vii) Zero Cleaning Cost: Relax and enjoy the party – we’ll take care of the cleanup at no additional cost, leaving you free to focus on making memories.

*Please note this promotion does not applies to private party and offered into following time slots (Weekends) Only:

  • 9:30am – 12:00pm
  • 5:30pm – 8:00pm

Ready to Book Your Party Today but How?

Simply visit us in-store to book your party and let the excitement begin!

Quick Suggestion!

In case the slot gets reserved early, we suggest booking your party three months in advance.

Having Questions? Our in-store and social media team would love to help you provide information if further needed, feel free to direct message us on Facebook and Instagram. OR call us at 𝟵𝟬𝟱-𝟳𝟴𝟱-𝟯𝟵𝟵𝟬

Find us here📍:


At Jumbaloo, birthday bashes are all about making memories, not stressing out! We’re here to put smiles on your faces, one party at a time!

Chinese parents taking their child to school in the morning
March 4, 2024 by admin 0 Comments

Establishing a Morning Routine for Kids: How to Get It Right

Establishing a Morning Routine for Kids: How to Get It Right
Establishing a morning routine for kids can be challenging, especially if your child is used to sleeping in late or procrastinating on homework. A good morning routine sets the tone for the rest of the day and helps kids stay organized and prepared. It’s also an important way to ensure that children have enough time for school-related tasks, physical activity, and other activities. In this blog post, we’ll outline some tips on how to help your child develop a successful morning routine that works for them and their lifestyle.

Why is a Morning Routine Important?
A well-structured morning routine is essential for helping children establish healthy habits that will carry into adulthood. A consistent daily schedule can help reduce stress levels by providing structure and certainty. This can make it easier for kids to transition from one activity to the next and feel more in control of their day. Additionally, a good morning routine can help kids feel more energized as they get ready for school or other activities throughout the day.

Steps to Establishing a Morning Routine

1. Set an Early Bedtime – Getting enough sleep at night is essential for energy levels during the day, which makes setting an early bedtime crucial for establishing a successful morning routine. You may need to gradually adjust your child’s bedtime until they are able to wake up at the desired time to get enough sleep each night.

2. Set Clear Goals – Work with your child to set clear goals and expectations each morning, including specific tasks they should complete before leaving home such as brushing teeth, getting dressed, eating breakfast, or packing their bag. Setting these goals ahead of time will give them something tangible to work towards during their morning routine without feeling overwhelmed or rushed under pressure once they start their day.

3. Set Up Clocks – Having clocks visible throughout the house can be helpful reminders when transitioning between activities during their morning routine since it encourages children keep track of how much time has passed since they started their day (and how much time is left). The clock should be placed somewhere where you know your child looks each day so that it serves as an effective reminder when it’s time transition into another task or activity to stay on track with their schedule.

4. Allow Time for Self-Care – Encouraging children to practice self-care routines like stretching or yoga before starting their day can help them set intentions and reset mentally prior facing any challenges ahead of them throughout the course of the day while instilling healthy habits at the same time!

5. Celebrate Successes – At the end of each successful week, take some time out together or reward your child with something special like going out for ice cream! This will not only provide incentive but also reinforce positive behavior associated with maintaining a consistent morning routine each week long-term!

Establishing a regular morning routine can be difficult at first but having a few simple strategies in place can help make it easier over time! With consistency along comes habit formation and success! If you need assistance getting your kid into a structured and beneficial morning routine contact Jumbaloo today!


Happiness is family story time.
January 4, 2024 by admin 0 Comments

The Power of Positive Reinforcement: Tips for Getting Your Kids to Try New Things

For kids, trying new things can be a stressful and daunting experience. Whether it’s introducing a new food, taking on a new activity, or facing a difficult challenge, the idea of venturing out of their comfort zones can often be too much. However, as parents and caregivers, we know that it’s important to foster an environment where our children will feel comfortable being creative and taking risks. One way we can do this is by using the power of positive reinforcement to encourage them to try new things.

What is Positive Reinforcement?
Positive reinforcement means rewarding desirable behavior with something enjoyable or reinforcing. This could be verbal praise or rewards such as stickers or treats. It’s important to note that positive reinforcement should not be confused with bribery – bribes should never be used as an incentive for good behavior as it teaches kids that they must do something to receive something in return rather than doing it simply because it is the right thing to do.

Why Does Positive Reinforcement Work?
Positive reinforcement works because it is powerful tool for teaching kids how to behave in certain situations and how to form good habits. When children are praised or rewarded for doing something well, they learn that their actions have consequences and that performing a desired task will result in a reward – this encourages them to continue engaging in the same desired behavior over time. Additionally, positive reinforcement helps children build self-esteem and confidence which gives them greater motivation when attempting unfamiliar activities.

How Can You Use Positive Reinforcement?
The key to effectively using positive reinforcement is ensuring that your child understands what you expect from them and making sure that you provide consistent feedback about their performance. Begin by setting clear expectations for your child – explain why trying new things is important and discuss what kind of behavior you would like them to demonstrate during these activities (e.g., focus, concentration). Then you should provide regular feedback about their efforts – praising the small successes along the way such as participating in the activity even if they don’t succeed at it right away. Finally, make sure you reward your child with verbal praise or a special treat when they complete a task successfully!

In conclusion, positive reinforcement is an effective way of encouraging your kids to take risks and try new things safely and confidently. Remember that consistency is key when utilizing this technique – so make sure you set clear expectations for your child and provide consistent feedback about their progress to ensure successful results! If you need help getting started with this process, reach out to Jumbaloo for more information about how we can help create strong foundational building blocks for learning


December 5, 2023 by admin 0 Comments

Planning the Perfect Family Game Night: Tips & Strategies

Sometimes, it can feel like a daunting task to put together a great family game night. With so many different games and personalities involved, planning the perfect evening can be tricky. But with a few simple strategies, you’ll be able to create an experience that everyone in the family will love!

Choose a Game:
The first step in organizing any successful game night is to choose the right game. Ideally, you want something that is age-appropriate and offers enough challenge for more experienced players. There are plenty of classic board games available, such as Monopoly and Scrabble, or you could opt for something more modern or even DIY-style. Don’t forget about card games—they’re always an easy way to get everyone involved quickly and easily!

Set Ground Rules:
Before the game night kicks off, it’s important to set some ground rules. It’s especially important if there are younger children involved who may not fully understand the nuances of strategy games yet. Make sure there are clear expectations on behavior and communication during the game—such as no shouting or criticism—so that everyone can have fun without getting frustrated.

It’s also important to establish decision-making processes when playing complex board games, such as how to resolve disputes or disagreements if two players disagree on which action to take. This will help ensure that everyone has an equal chance at winning regardless of age or experience level.

Encourage Teamwork:
Depending on your chosen game and how many people are playing, it might be beneficial to split up into teams so that everybody feels included in the action and teamwork is encouraged. Having multiple players working together can lead to interesting strategies being used, as well as helping younger kids learn from more experienced players without feeling overwhelmed by their opponent’s knowledge base.

Keep Everyone Involved:
If possible, try to keep all your players engaged throughout the entire activity by switching up “guest turns” throughout the game or coming up with creative new ways for them to interact with one another outside of just taking turns with pieces on the board or cards in hand. For example, give each person an opportunity to come up with questions related to what’s happening in the game at any given time – this allows young kids not quite familiar with complicated strategy concepts yet still provide their input in exciting new ways! If all else fails and someone gets bored, don’t be afraid to pause for a snack break (or two).

Finishing Touches:
Above all else, remember that family game nights should be about having fun together as much as they are about competition! You don’t need fancy equipment or expensive sets; just some basic boardgames and enthusiastic participants should do just fine! Many families keep traditional boards passed down from generation after generation – these often have incredibly sentimental value attached that add sweet touches and memories into future generations’ experiences too! Plus, everyone loves snacks – make sure you have plenty around for whenever hunger strikes 🙂

With these tips in mind (and some luck!) you should be ready for hosting an amazing family game night experience soon! Have any other ideas? We’d love to hear them over at Jumbaloo – let us know what worked best for your group!


Gentle bearded father with glasses hugs adorable blonde little girl sitting on bed at home
November 5, 2023 by admin 0 Comments

Mistakes to Avoid When Using Gentle Parenting Techniques

Gentle parenting is increasingly becoming popular amongst parents as a way to nurture and guide children. It encourages empathy, kindness, patience, understanding and respect in the home. While gentle parenting can be a great way to manage your child’s behavior and provide them with guidance, there are some mistakes that parents commonly make when using it. Learning about these mistakes can help you implement gentle parenting in the most effective way for your family.

Expecting Instant Results
It takes time for any new parenting style to take effect. You may not see instant results from using gentle techniques with your children. Depending on their age and personality, it may take a few weeks or months before you start seeing any changes in their behavior. Keep this in mind when practicing gentle parenting—it’s more of a long-term technique than something that will work instantly.

Not Remaining Consistent
In order for gentle parenting to be effective, you need to remain consistent in how you use it with your kids. If one day you’re following all the gentle techniques but then the next day don’t follow through with them, your kids won’t learn that their behaviors will always have consistent consequences—good or bad. This lack of consistency could cause confusion and disruption in the household dynamic which can lead to more issues down the line.

Being Too Soft on Your Kids
Some parents make the mistake of being too soft on their kids when trying to practice gentle parenting techniques. Instead of allowing for room for conversation or understanding when disciplining children, they become lenient and neglect consequences altogether which can actually encourage misbehavior instead of curbing it. As long as discipline is reasonable, firm yet kind then it should still be included in your approach towards raising happy and well-behaved children even if you’re using gentler methods overall.

Not Setting Appropriate Boundaries
Gentle parenting doesn’t mean that you should forget about setting boundaries with your kids or not setting any rules at all in favor of ‘going with the flow’ so-to-speak. Kids need boundaries just like adults do—they give them security as well as structure within which they can develop healthy habits and routines throughout life without feeling completely controlled by an authoritative figure such as a parent or guardian. Allow room for compromising within those boundaries so that kids feel heard whenever possible but keep in mind these rules must remain unyielding at times when there really cannot be any room for errors regarding safety or their academic performance etcetera.

Not Taking Time to Listen Properly
One mistake some parents make is not taking enough time listen properly to what their child has to say. This is especially true if the child has done something wrong: many parents feel rushed into giving out punishments rather than spending time listening first to what happened exactly because they don’t have enough patience or don’t feel like they have enough time due to other commitments (work etc.). This method however can be counterintuitive because it gives a message–whether intentional or not–that their feelings aren’t taken seriously thus potentially leading them into feeling further misunderstood & unheard which might further lead into defiance & disobedience.

Gentle parenting requires balance between understanding & discipline; it needs patience & perseverance but most importantly plenty of quality time spent between parent & child truly listening & validating each other’s feelings while also setting appropriate boundaries according to situations particular circumstances. If you need help implementing gentle parenting techniques into your home, contact Jumbaloo today!


Little Chinese children in art class with teacher
October 5, 2023 by admin 0 Comments

Ways to Nurture an Interest in Music, Art, or Theater for Socialization

Ways to Nurture an Interest in Music, Art, or Theater for Socialization
As parents, it’s important to understand the positive effects of music, art, and theater when it comes to social development. Engaging in these activities can help children learn how to interact with others in a healthy way and discover their own creative outlets. Here are some tips on how you can nurture an interest in music, art, or theatre for your child’s social development.

Encourage Passion
The first step to nurturing your child’s interests is simply to encourage them. Let them explore musical instruments, art supplies and drama tools without worry or judgment so they can find out what they like best. Discussing the advantages of each activity will spark their curiosity and help them understand why engaging in any of these pursuits is beneficial.

Offer Support
It’s also essential that you give your child all the support they need throughout the process, whether it’s providing lessons or classes for them to attend or simply being encouraging when they attempt something new. Joining local choirs or orchestras could be a great way for your child to find friends who share the same interests as them. Additionally, setting up play dates with classmates who are involved in musical activities or theatre groups can help build social skills as well as create a sense of belonging which is integral for developing socially.

Academic Experience
Getting academic experience through community events such as plays, and concerts is another way that you can foster their interest in music, art, or theater. Even attending museum tours dedicated to artwork could provide a valuable learning experience which would be more meaningful than book-based knowledge alone. Allowing your child some freedom when appropriate will demonstrate how much trust you have in their abilities while teaching them responsibility at the same time.

Join a Club
Joining clubs related to theatre, music and art can also boost social confidence and introduce kids into new environments where communication is key. This could include joining an orchestra or band class at school – let your children take charge and decide if this is something they would like to get involved with – meeting new people from different backgrounds may open their eyes to different perspectives from around the world!

No matter which method you choose, helping your children nurture their interests in any form will give them a great opportunity not only learn more about themselves but also grow socially within communities outside of home life too – giving them the guidance needed for adulthood! Start today by exploring Jumbaloo’s variety of online classes.

Group of small nursery school children with man teacher sitting on floor indoors in classroom, doing exercise.
September 26, 2023 by admin 0 Comments

Getting Creative with Exercises for Kids of All Ages

Exercise is a key part of good physical and mental health, especially in children. As parents, we want our kids to get plenty of exercise, but it can be hard to make it enjoyable for them. In this blog post, we’ll explore ways to get creative with exercises for kids of all ages so they can have fun while staying fit and healthy.

Variety is Key
One of the main things to keep in mind is that variety is key when it comes to finding exercises that your kids enjoy doing. Doing the same activity every day can cause boredom, so mix up their routine every couple days or so. If you’re taking your children outdoors, try different sports like basketball or soccer; if they prefer more low-key activities, consider playing catch with them in your backyard or teaching them some yoga poses.

Keep Goals Realistic
It’s important not to set too-high expectations for your child when it comes to exercising – instead, focus on helping them build up positive habits. Keep their goals realistic and achievable by setting small daily goals that track their progress over time and celebrate successes when they occur. Make sure your child understands that any goal worth achieving takes consistent effort and dedication over a period of time. This will help create a habit out of exercising rather than trying to do too much too quickly.

Games and Challenges
The best way to ensure your child stays engaged in physical activity is through games and challenges. These can be anything from active charades (where you act out different animals or objects) to scavenger hunts in the park (where different items have been hidden). Not only are these activities fun for everyone involved, but they also encourage imagination and exploration – perfect if you want your children to develop motor skills as well as physical fitness.

Incorporating Technology
Let’s face it – kids love technology! Take advantage of this by incorporating gadgets such as tablets into their exercise regime – there are tons of apps available which provide interactive workouts featuring cartoon characters which aim to make working out both fun and educational at the same time! Just make sure you check age recommendations before purchasing anything – some apps may be inappropriate for younger children!

Encouraging Independent Exercise
When dealing with older kids who may be getting ready for puberty, encouraging independent exercise becomes even more important – giving young people the opportunity to take responsibility for their own health not only teaches valuable life lessons but also helps them feel empowered about their bodies! Remind them about how regular exercise can benefit both their physical and mental health – once they become aware of how beneficial something like running or swimming could be for them, chances are they’ll start participating in those activities more often without having much encouragement from you!

Exercise doesn’t have to be boring – try getting creative with different ways you can incorporate physical activity into your family life! For more ideas on improving kid’s physical skills while having fun at the same time contact Jumbaloo today 🤗


Group of kids playing at the playground in summer day
September 26, 2023 by admin 0 Comments

Benefits of Summer Camp: What Kids Learn and Take Away

Summer camp is an experience that can have a lasting impact on children. It provides them with the opportunity to develop skills, build relationships, and make lifelong memories. But what are some of the specific benefits of summer camp? What do kids get to learn and take away from their time spent away from home?

At summer camp, kids learn to be independent. They’re encouraged to take care of everyday tasks independently, such as getting dressed in the morning and brushing their teeth before bedtime. Camp counsellors give clear directions on how to complete these tasks so that children understand the expectations and are held accountable for their own responsibilities. Through this experience, kids learn responsibility and gain a sense of self-sufficiency.

Kids also gain confidence at summer camp. They have a chance to try new activities like rock climbing, canoeing, or outdoor cooking — activities they may not get a chance to do throughout the year — which helps them step outside of their comfort zones and push themselves further than they would at home. This newfound confidence carries over into other aspects of life beyond camp and gives children the courage needed to tackle difficult challenges.

Summer camp also teaches kids important social skills like empathy and communication. Through daily interactions with peers in structured settings, kids become adept at expressing their emotions and understanding the emotions of others. Camp encourages problem-solving among groups as everyone works together towards a common goal — like how best to pitch a tent or raft down a river — teaching cooperation through collaboration.

Finally, summer camp cultivates creativity in children as they explore new ideas and engage in creative activities like arts & crafts or music & drama classes. It’s here where imagination runs wild! Kids often come up with unique solutions to problems while having fun within an accepting environment free from judgement by adults or peers back home — allowing them more freedom to experiment with different approaches confidently.

In short, summer camp helps children gain independence, build confidence, practice important social skills, and nurture creativity! Whether it’s through sports tournaments or musical performances, each activity teaches valuable lessons that stay with kids well beyond their weeks spent at camp! If you’d like more information about Jumbaloo’s summer camps for your child, contact us today!

In the playground
July 5, 2023 by admin 0 Comments

Tips for Helping Your Kids Develop Good Playground Behaviour

Going to the playground with your kids can be a thrilling experience. It’s a place full of adventure and new experiences, but it also comes with its own set of rules and regulations that must be always followed. Teaching your children how to play safely and responsibly on the playground is essential for their safety and well-being. Here are some tips for helping your kids develop good playground behavior.

Set a Positive Example
One of the most effective ways to help your children learn good playground behavior is by setting a positive example. Through modelling appropriate behavior while you’re at the playground, you can show them what they should do when interacting with others as well as how to stay safe while playing on equipment or other activities. Make sure you also explain why certain behaviors are important, such as taking turns, following safety rules, and being respectful towards others.

Emphasize Kindness
Teaching your children how to treat others kindly while they’re playing is key in teaching them to develop good playground behavior. Letting them know that words like teasing or name-calling are mean-spirited isn’t enough; encourage them to be kind by showing empathy whenever possible and helping friends who may need assistance when playing games. Making sure that everyone plays together fairly is crucial for teaching kids about kindness and cooperation with one another in the playground environment.

Have Clear Rules
Set limits for your children before they go into the playground so that they know what’s expected of them when they get there. Establishing clear boundaries helps prevent any potential misbehavior from occurring while they’re having fun on the playground equipment or participating in activities with other children. Explain what kind of behavior will not be tolerated (e.g., pushing people off playsets) and explain why these behaviors are unacceptable so your child has an understanding of what’s acceptable and what isn’t in different situations at the park or other places where there might be more people present.

Praise Good Behavior
It’s important to praise your child whenever he/she does something right or shows good behavior at the playground so that he/she continues to perform these deeds on future visits as well. Give positive reinforcement such as verbal encouragement–“Great job! You shared nicely today!” –or even small rewards like treats if appropriate to incentivize desirable actions during their next visit outdoors or elsewhere where interaction with strangers is likely to occur.

Contact Jumbaloo for More Information
If you would like more tips on helping teach your kids good social skills, contact Jumbaloo today! We have experienced professionals who can provide resources and advice tailored specifically towards developing strong social skills in children of all ages based on their individual needs, goals, and circumstances!