February 11, 2022 by admin 0 Comments

Tips For Teaching Your Toddler How to Share

Toddlers are tiny people full of energy, fun and emotions – lots of emotions. Because toddlers are new to the world, they are not yet accustomed to managing these big emotions. One particular hurdle parents encounter during the toddler age is teaching their toddler how to share, which can incite some of those big emotions. 

Because toddlers spend their first year or so at the forefront of their parents’ world, they are often not familiar with the concept of sharing. Toddler sharing tantrums are bound to happen, but they are a natural part of growing up and can be great teachable moments.

To help ease the stress of multiple sharing tantrums, here are four tips for teaching your young one how to share.


Start at a Young Age

Children are capable of establishing many healthy habits at a very young age. Your child can learn the fundamentals of sharing by the time they are picking up objects and playing with toys. You can teach them to share by taking turns with the objects or toys. 

Once your child has picked up the toy, ask them to hand it to you and then proceed to hand it back. This small – but crucial – interaction teaches toddlers that sharing can be fun, and they will ultimately get the object back.


Be a Role Model 

 This tip is relatively straightforward: modelling good sharing behaviour for your toddler can demonstrate to them that sharing is fun and a desirable thing to do. Ask if you can take turns playing with your toddler’s toys, engage with them, and show them how you share with other adults as well. 

You can even share your own items with your toddler. Offer to let them share your favourite chair or share your snack with them. Not only does this illustrate how to share, but they’ll learn how good it feels to have other people share with them, too.


Bring a Timer to Playdates 

 Playdates are a fun way for kids to learn how to interact positively and play with each other. During a playdate, you might come across your first toddler sharing tantrum. There’s no toy more popular than a toy another child currently has. 

It can be an excellent idea to use a timer in these moments. It serves as a gentle reminder that each person gets an opportunity to play. Set the timer, and when the time runs outs, it means it’s time to share the toy.


Use Descriptive Praise

 Last but certainly not least, ensure you praise your child for a job well done. Emphasize how they made their friend happy by sharing their toys. By helping them be aware of the positive outcomes of their actions, you encourage them to continue this behaviour and feel good about it.


It Takes Time

 Don’t beat yourself up if your toddler doesn’t instantly grasp what sharing means. It will happen over time with continued modelling and practice.


Visit Jumbaloo Playgrounds Today

 Our team at Jumbaloo Playgrounds is happy to host your next toddler playdate. Safety is essential to us, and there is no need to worry about older children who might move faster and play a little more roughly. We have a separate toddler area perfect for playing and sharing. 

 Book some active play with us today. Give us a call at 905-785-3990 or get in touch via our contact page

 For your safety and that of our team, we adhere to strict Covid-19 rules and regulations


January 5, 2022 by admin 0 Comments

Experts Weigh In: Helping Kids Make New Year’s Resolutions

As we welcome a new year, we also welcome a fresh start. The new year is when people often start with promises of new habits and lifestyle changes. We promise to be the best versions of who we are and plan to commit to these promises. Whether it’s eating healthier, exercising more, or saying yes or no more often, new year’s resolutions come in many forms. As you consider these changes, the kids in your life might be curious and want to commit to their own new year’s resolutions. A good new year’s resolution doesn’t have to be rigid and no fun. Find out how experts weigh in on ways to help kids make new year’s resolutions they can feel good about. 

Don’t Dictate Resolutions

When brainstorming new year’s resolution ideas with kids, don’t forget to keep it fun and exciting; this is a great bonding experience where you have the opportunity to learn more about your children and their personal aspirations for themselves. It’s essential that you listen to your child and not try to control or dictate their resolutions. Allow them the independence and responsibility of handling their own resolution. If they ask for your help or guidance, it’s perfectly acceptable to offer them advice and assurance or suggest a resolution you think is manageable and fun.


Take Time Pursuing Big Resolutions

New habits don’t happen overnight. Experts believe that a habit usually takes six weeks or longer to become sustainable. Help your child ease into big resolutions by breaking them down into manageable steps. If your child wants to read more, encourage them by suggesting they read ten minutes a night the first week and slowly increase their reading time each week. Taking time to achieve long-term goals is essential for success, and your child will notice their progress and feel like they’re sticking it through.


Follow Up About Resolutions 

It’s essential that you show interest and support with how your kids are progressing with their new year’s resolutions. Check in now and then and see how it’s going. It would be best if you didn’t nag them, instead be there as a helping hand or a listening ear. Chances are, if they’re feeling like they’re not keeping up with their resolution, they’ll confide in you. If your child feels supported and praised by you, they’ll be excited about following through with their new habits.


Make Resolutions Together as a Family

 Children often take pride and feel good doing things together as a family. Coming up with a family resolution together is the perfect time to let your children guide the decisions while building confidence simultaneously. As a family, you can commit to creating fun habits together. Habits like going on more walks as a family, donating to charities together, or promising to cook one meal together a week. There are endless ideas, and listening to children talk about new year’s resolutions can help guide you in the right direction as a family.


Make Having More Fun a New Year’s Resolution

At Jumbaloo Playgrounds, we believe that one of the top qualities of a good new year’s resolution is to have fun while achieving it. We want to help you keep to those resolutions by providing you and your children with tons of fun and physical activity. Reward your children for a job well done and yourselves as well. Give us a call today at 905-785-3990, or head on over and fill out our online contact form.

We look forward to seeing you and your family soon!

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December 7, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

How to Spread Christmas Cheer With Kids

Christmas 2021 is approaching, and it’s looking a bit more normal than the previous year. Children have been navigating the pandemic like the little superheroes they are, and they deserve a Christmas like we had growing up: surrounded by family, festivities, and fun.

Our experts in everything fun at Jumbaloo Playgrounds have compiled an exciting list of how to spread Christmas cheer with kids. We call it Operation Christmas.


Bake Christmas Cookies for Friends and Family

What better way to start spreading Christmas cheer than Christmas baking? Christmas and baking go together like peanut butter and jelly, candy canes and gingerbread, or marshmallows and hot chocolate! You get the idea. A classic favourite is the Christmas cookie. These festive treats are traditionally sugar cookies cut into fun Christmas shapes like trees and bells, dusted with sprinkles. They’re easy to make and so fun. They’re also great to share with family and friends! Pack up a batch of these in a festive box and gift them to a friend or neighbour. You’re bound to put a smile on someone’s face.


Decorate the House 

Studies show that people who put their Christmas tree up early are happier, so that means there’s no need to wait until December 1st before you start spreading Christmas cheer throughout your home. Your children will be delighted when you pull out those lights and ornaments, and will surely be eager to help decorate. 


Sing Christmas Carols 

Singing Christmas carols is another activity perfect for enjoying that Christmas spirit. There is no other holiday with quite the same array of music. As soon as the department stores start playing our favourite Christmas classics, we know the holiday season is here. Get your kids in the spirit by putting together Christmas karaoke, or impress your neighbours the old fashion way with door-to-door singing (from a safe distance, of course). 


Donate Spare Change 

Make donating spare change to those in need part of your Operation Christmas. There are lots of organizations accepting donations, and demand is incredibly high around the holidays.

Helping those less fortunate is an important life lesson, and there’s no better season than Christmas to teach your kids the importance of generosity. Whether you find an online organization for spare change collection, or donate directly to a homeless shelter, a little bit goes a long way.


Donate Toys 

Another great way to spread cheer and give back is by donating toys. Christmas 2021 might look different for many families, and donating a toy or two could bring holiday delight to someone in your community. It’s also a simple but meaningful gesture to share with your children. Find a toy donation location at your local mall or supermarket.


Organize a Fundraiser or Food Drive 

Take the spirit of giving even further by organizing a fundraiser or a food drive. Again, many families do without. Collecting food donations is a wonderful way to ensure less fortunate families can enjoy nice Christmas meals too. You can also encourage your child to organize a bake sale or fundraiser by themselves to raise money for families in need.


Come Play at Jumbaloo

Now that you and your kids are in the Christmas spirit, our team at Jumbaloo would love to see those beaming smiles at our indoor playground.

We are thrilled to be open and adhering to Covid-19 rules and regulations for your safety.

Book your next play date by giving us a call at 905-785-3990 or visit our online contact page.

November 4, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

Movember With Kids

With November approaching, you might be hearing frequent talk of moustaches and Movember. “What is Movember?”, you ask. During November, people grow moustaches to raise awareness for men’s health issues such as testicular cancer, prostate cancer, and men’s suicide. 

To take part in Movember, get ready to grow your Movember moustache and donate online at Can’t grow a moustache? There are a number of other ways to show your support on the Movember website.

Movember is a great opportunity to raise awareness and involve the kids as well. Read on to discover a few ways to get your kids involved in Movember. 


Communicate the Significance of Movember

Before you get started on any fun Movember activities, you should explain to your kids the significance of Movember, what it is, and the meaning behind the moustache.

At first, they might be wary of these new moustaches and reluctant about the change (“What’s that fuzzy thing on dad’s face!?”), but once they know the meaning, they will likely appreciate the effort. It can also reinforce the importance of taking care of their health and body. It is never too early to teach about health and the importance of healthy habits and healthy eating.

Movember is an exciting time to get together and learn more about dad. Fathers often feel shuttered out of family activities, but now with that great moustache sprouting, they can feel proud of the example they are setting for their kids. There is a strong link between fatherhood and mental health, and it’s vital that fathers feel like they are involved in their kids’ lives and confident about the effort they put in.


Let’s Get Moustachey

Once your kids are aware of the Movember moustache, chances are they will want one of their own. Unless your four-year-old can magically grow one, you will have to get creative. You can use a washable marker to draw a fun homemade moustache, use their favourite creamy drink (whip cream moustache, anyone?), make moustache bow ties, cut and glue a moustache on a stick, or you can purchase fun clothes and accessories with moustaches on them. Many retailers are aware of the campaign and sell an assortment of Movember-themed items. 

Do not hesitate to go all out and create a Movember costume that your kids will wear with pride as they raise awareness for this vital cause.


Let Them Help With Fundraising 

Now that the kids are equipped with their Movember costumes, it’s time to involve them in some fundraising activities. Communicate the idea of a campaign and the fun things you can do together to raise money for Movember. 

 You could bake some Movember moustache cookies – who doesn’t love cookies? You could create Movember crafts such as Movember mustache kits, T-shirts, headbands, pins, bracelets, and more. Encourage your child to use their imagination and think of fun ways to make money for your campaign. 

Do not forget to take advantage of those adorable moustaches and use photos of your kids donning moustaches to encourage your family and friends to participate.


Jumbaloo Playgrounds

We hope you have enjoyed our recommendations for how to involve your kids in Movember and raise awareness for men’s health. We recognize the importance of this campaign and are very happy to suggest a few ideas for getting kids involved. We would love to see your kids and their Movember moustaches at Jumbaloo Playgrounds during November.

To book your next fun outing, please call us at 905-785-3990 or fill out our online form. We look forward to providing your family with a playdate they will not forget.

September 2, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

Tips to Help “Shy” Kids Shine

Does your child tend to raise a ruckus at home, but then appear to be timid or clam up in social situations?

Many parents express concern when their kids seem to suffer from shyness, often out of fear that they will trail behind in social development. However, while childhood shyness is a frequent concern amongst parents, most psychological studies suggest that it’s also a very common and persistent trait.

The good news is that there are also plenty of strategies available to encourage children to come out of their shells and gain more confidence. In this blog, we’ll review some general tips for parents to help their shy kids become more engaged and confident, as well as some fun kids activities that can help spark their more expressive or creative sides. Keep reading to learn more.

General Tips for Parents With Shy Children

With enough patience and preparation, there are a multitude of ways for parents to help their children learn how to manage social situations and develop stronger connections with their peers. Some of the most effective ways for parents to achieve this include:

Avoiding Intervention

If you’ve noticed that your child struggles to socialize and make friends with other children at a playground or in another social setting, you might feel compelled to step in and help direct them. However, your child will have a difficult time learning how to manage their frustrations and the ability to deal with their current situation, which is an important skill that will encourage them to be more outgoing as they get older.

Being an Active Listener

Children are always more likely to open up and share their experiences with the people they trust the most. As their parents, this will most likely be you.

Therefore, be sure to always be an active listener of your child’s stories, sentences, and other expressions. Over time, this can help them to feel more comfortable with outward self-expression around others.

Preparing Them for New Situations

For shy kids, trying new things can feel nerve-wracking. A great way to help your child warm up to new situations is to talk them through any scenarios beforehand. Consider comparing a new or scary situation to something they have successfully tried (and enjoyed) in the past as a means of calming their nerves and familiarizing them.

Starting Small

Most shy children gradually warm up to social situations when they are exposed to new things one step at a time. Exposing them to too many people and changes at once can feel overwhelming.

Consider using the “factorial approach,” which is a technique where just one or two things at a time are changed or introduced. This can include encouraging socialization with one playmate and then waiting until they are comfortable before introducing any other peers into a playgroup. Be sure to start small, go slowly, and give your child time to adjust to each step.

Activities to Encourage Socialization

There are also many activities that can help spark confidence in shy children and boost their confidence in social spaces. Some of the best places for icebreaker activities include:

Indoor Playgrounds

Indoor playgrounds provide an excellent space for collaborative activities, continued contact, and healthy interaction. As such, they’re a great place for shy kids to experience different situations and feel more comfortable opening up.

Day Camps

Day camps are usually packed with a myriad of fun-filled activities for children with various different personality types, interests, and preferences. Many activities in day camps are designed to further social engagement and encourage kids to problem-solve collaboratively, such as crafts, cooking, drama, swimming, and sports. The continuity of a day camp program is also a great way to make shy kids feel more comfortable exploring new activities and forming friendships.

Outdoor Games

Being indoors with other peers can sometimes feel overwhelming for shy kids, which is why outdoor games are also a great way for them to ease their tension and warm up to others. Backyards or parks are a perfect setting for children to be creative and participate in games that require more personal contact. Various outdoor games can include tag, hide and seek, sports, dance, creative pretend play, and much more.

Schedule Your Next Playdate at Jumbaloo Today!

Our team at Jumbaloo Playgrounds is thrilled to finally be open and ready to host your child’s next big playdate! With a wide range of ways to exercise and have fun, our indoor playground is inclusive, safe, and open for children of all personality types.

To book your next party at Jumbaloo, call us at 905-785-3990 or visit our contact page to fill out our online form. We look forward to hosting your next playdate!

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July 30, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

Preparing Your Kids for Back to School

Within the last year and a half, with the COVID-19 pandemic having disrupted most “normal” school routines, the words “back to school” have had a very different meaning. It has been difficult for so many adults and children alike to get excited about being in the classroom, whether in-person or virtual. However, with case counts dropping and vaccinations on the rise, a normal, in-person school year looks like it’s finally within reach.

At Jumbaloo, we believe this is a time to celebrate! Going back to school is always something both parents and children look forward to, and as we near the hopeful-end of this strange and unprecedented time, going back to school is now seen as more exciting than ever; a win, a victory.

This blog will touch on some fun kids activities and back to school tips and tricks to help you and your child get ready to return to a safe classroom. Read on to learn more!

Make Things Fun!

Going back to school is a monumental event that all parents and kids can celebrate! This includes making the preparation for the upcoming school year fun, as well as fitting in some exciting kids activities along the way.

Buying school supplies doesn’t have to be a drag — it can be seen as a super-fun activity for families to do together. Is there a couple of weeks before school starts? Turning this into an anticipated event will get the kids engaged. Make a list of required supplies and then let your child(ren) have fun choosing the items themselves; notebooks, pencils, pens, a new backpack and so much more!

If new school supplies aren’t exciting enough, then surely a new wardrobe will be! The start of a new school year often marks the time for many kids to get some fresh, new duds in time for the changing season. Consider marking a mini-shopping spree on your calendar and stopping to grab lunch at your child’s favourite restaurant.

Encourage Positivity and Excitement

Going back to school after a fun-filled summer can be tough. This is why it’s important to remind children of all the positive and exciting aspects going to school will offer. And, after another round of online learning as a result of the pandemic, children have spent even more time than usual away from all of the fun elements that can be found in a classroom setting.

In the summer, kids can often lose touch with their friends from school. For kids living in Ontario, many of them have seen their friends since April. Wow! Be sure to remind your children of the excitement that comes with reconnecting with friends and, if possible, it might even be a good idea to arrange a few play dates with friends before the long-awaited first day back.

If there’s an extracurricular activity or favourite subject that your child has spent time away from, consider giving them a mini-assignment or an activity that will help them get back into the groove of learning again. This could be an art project, writing a short story or a fun, physical activity.

Create a Summer Memory Book

It’s always sad when summer comes to an end. One of the best ways to help your children gain closure with summer, and get them prepared to go back to school, is to help them create a summertime memory book. This is a great way to encourage your children to get creative and, along the way, allow them to strengthen their writing and processing skills.

Ideas include; printing photos of cherished memories, listing their favourite activities, collaborating with friends and family, painting, and drawing pictures. Then, compile everything into a book for safe-keeping.

Remember, kids… summer will come again!   

Book Your Play Date at Jumbaloo Today!

Why not mark the end of summer with a fun-filled day at our indoor playground! At Jumbaloo, we are thrilled to have our doors open once again and are here to provide your children with a safe, secure space to play, laugh and learn.

To book your next play date or party at Jumbaloo, call us at 905-785-3990 or visit our booking link.

We look forward to hosting your child’s next playtime adventure before they head back to school and into the classroom!

July 5, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

Best Things to Do With Your Kids in Toronto & the GTA

Toronto is a great place to live, offering unique family-friendly experiences and several places to visit. Whether you’re just visiting with family or you’re one of the lucky ones who live here, you will find plenty of things to do. 

Having fun is important for your little ones. It develops their essential physical and social skills. No matter what your children are interested in, there are so many activities in Toronto. There are a lot of places that offer fun and adventure. Toronto also offers interactive and educational places where you can bring your children. 

If you’re on a family day out in Toronto exploring the best it has to offer, we have prepared a list for you. Below you will find the best activities in Toronto that your kids will love.

Indoor Playgrounds

Let’s be honest- kids love these! It’s simply the best gift you could give to your child. A place to run freely, laugh and play away while interacting with other kids of the same age is a guaranteed way to make your child happy. A public indoor playground is usually equipped with arcade machines, trampolines, toys and other equipment that your child will love. 


What better way to teach your children about the surrounding world if not by visiting a zoo or an aquarium? It is the perfect way to get them acquainted with the animal world and awaken their curiosity towards life. Let them explore the surrounding world by interacting with exotic animals as you teach them important lessons about the world such as compassion. 


Museum activities can be very fun, and they can teach your curious children about the world and provide memorable learning experiences like no other activity or place can. Some of the best child-friendly museums you will find in Toronto are Montgomery’s Inn, Colborne Lodge, Bata Shoe Museum, and others. 


Toronto is brimming with great arcades bringing you the best of fun activities for kids. Arcades put at your disposal a multitude of games that kids with all types of interests will find thrilling. More than that, they will help your child burn energy before bedtime. Arcades also make for perfect birthday parties that no child will ever forget. 

Toronto Islands

You can’t miss the opportunity to take your children to the famous Toronto Island Park that contains great trails, beaches and children’s amusement rides. Spend some quality time exploring the nature trails with your family and discover amazing views of the islands. For more adrenaline-pumping fun activities for kids, though, the Centre Island, which also happens to be the most famous section, puts the Centreville Amusement Park at your disposal with different rides and even a zoo. 

Contact Us Today

Jumbaloo is your go-to place for fun and adventure in Toronto, welcoming children between the ages of 2 and 12. You can throw amazing birthday parties there for your little ones. This indoor playground offers great arcade games, diverse equipment and slides and an eating area with delicious snacks and healthy food. There’s no other place like it. 

Jumbaloo takes safety measures very seriously ensuring your children are safe at all times. They have staff and supervisors present all over the perimeter and they require parental supervision as well. 

If you want to book a birthday party for your little one, you can call 905-785-3990 or contact them on the following email [email protected].

June 1, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

What Experts Have to Say About Playtime

Experts agree that playtime is an essential cornerstone for proper childhood development. However, in today’s tech-saturated world, many experts fear that children aren’t getting enough free playtime. 

Couple this with a global pandemic that has encouraged further social isolation and we have an unfortunate decline in kids having proper opportunities to play, grow, and learn.

Read on as we explain exactly what playtime is and summarize fun activities for kids of different ages as well as their benefits. 

Happy reading!

What is Playtime?

Playtime is one of the most vital ways for children to learn about the world around them. It is also the best way to encourage physical exercise, creative thinking, and proper psychological development in children. An unregulated, unstructured opportunity to play allows children to nurture their relationships with both others and themselves.

In order for children to develop the right skill sets to optimize their development, playtime is essential. According to the American Journal of Pediatrics, playtime “is a singular opportunity to promote the social-emotional, cognitive, language and self-regulation skills that build executive function and a prosocial brain.”

The Best Activities for Different Ages

Successful learning is best fostered by catering to a child’s inclination to play. As children engage with others and learn more about the world around them, different play activities can help them gain vital skills as they reach each developmental milestone.

Some examples of activities to try with children at different ages include:


From birth to six months old, babies are learning about the world around them by taking in all of their sights, sounds, textures, colours, and angles. They’re using their bodies to explore, learning to participate in social interactions and how to elicit responses from both people and objects.

Some ways to encourage playful learning in small infants includes imitating your baby’s coos and babbles, showing them interesting objects to spark their attention (such as colourful toys, rattles, stuffed animals, and dolls or stacking toys), or placing them in different positions so that they can view things from different angles.

From the age of 7 to 12 months, after making sure your baby has a safe environment to explore, you can teach them that actions have effects (for example, by allowing them to play with and pick up toys when they fall). You can play peek-a-boo with them as well.

1–3 Years Old

As toddlers start to develop more advanced participation and language skills, they’ll benefit tremendously from playful learning. In fact, it is so important that experts recommend that unstructured playtime is a focal point of early childhood education.

Fun kids activities during early childhood can include parent-supervised playdates with other children of a similar age, make-believe or pretend play, sing-along songs and different movements to help them explore the body (such as jumping, standing on one leg, and games like Simon Says).

Playing with simpler toys at this age is also a great way to encourage a child’s creative thinking skills such as through blocks, empty containers, and puzzles—not smartphones or complicated gadgets!

4–6 Years Old

School-aged children learn how to develop friendships, plan, attach language to ideas and concepts, and create desired effects with objects and people. It’s also at this age that children begin to develop critical motor skills and proper hand-eye coordination, making any hands-on activities a must.

Some ideas for kids activities at this age can include reading and telling stories, allowing them the space to act out pretend scenes and roles, providing them with time to socialize and interact with friends, providing opportunities to sing and dance, and encouraging a variety of safe movements (such as skipping, hopping, swinging, and climbing).

Toys that will help foster their development may include puzzles, construction toys with interlocking pieces (such as Lego), props for pretend games, art supplies, or simple musical instruments.

The Benefits of Playtime

Playtime is one of the most critical vehicles for childhood growth. Some of the ways children can develop through playtime include:

Increased motor skills and concentration

Physical activity during playtime is crucial to the development of children’s fine motor skills and ability to concentrate. Through play, children can learn to wield better control of objects as well as practice better coordination of their body movements and smaller movements between the hands and fingers.

To support gross motor development—this includes control of the arms, legs, hands, and trunk—children can develop their skills through physical activities such as running, jumping, throwing, skipping, tossing balls, and much more.

To support fine motor skill development—this includes control of the hands, feet, fingers, and toes—hands-on activities such as cut-and-paste projects, play dough, blocks, puzzles, and colouring are all ideal.

Social skills development

Through playtime, children develop skills that will have an enormous effect on their overall social development. Playtime teaches children the right skills needed to establish and maintain positive interactions with other people, which will be critical for making and sustaining friendships and relationships as they get older.

Interactions made during playtime also help children to develop empathy as different situations can help them respond to others’ emotions and learn to put themselves in others’ shoes to recognize their feelings.

Teamwork Skills

Unstructured playtime allows children to interact with their peers, making it vital for teaching them how to make friendships, resolve conflicts, and work in teams. For example, playground games teach children how to sort themselves into teams, take turns, set out rules, and then experience the benefits of following them.

Learning proper teamwork skills is essential when it comes to early childhood development. Children learn a lot of virtues in these environments such as patience, tolerance, respect for others, and the ability to compromise.

Jumbaloo Awaits Your Next Playdate!

We hope you’ve enjoyed this article on all of the various activities for kids at home

If at, anytime, you want to drive your kids to an indoor playground area or are looking to book a party room for your little one’s upcoming event, contact our team at Jumbaloo. We are adhering to strict Covid-19 rules and regulations for your safety and that of our team. 

Call us today at 905-785-3990 or visit our online contact page.

From all of us at Jumbaloo: Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you soon!

May 1, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

Why You Should Send Your Kid to Camp

As summer approaches and you’re asking yourself how to keep your kids busy during all that free time, you might be considering sending them to a summer camp

Sending your kids to a summer camp can be a lifesaver if you aren’t able to have them at home all day or if you understand that a social setting is the best environment for them to release their energy.

Below, we break down why summer camp is important for your children, as a whole, and what are its benefits. 

Read on!

The Importance of Summer Camps

When it comes to summer camps for kids, it’s honestly a place where they can enjoy themselves and look back at it with fondness. 

They create bonds with new friends that are different from their school friends and get to enjoy each other in an atmosphere that is all play and no work. In the meantime, they still learn to be kind, caring, fair, and trustworthy.

Going to summer day- or away camps help children learn a sense of living in a community that is very different from an academic one or one they may have if they are part of a religious group. It helps children become a bit more independent, resourceful, and even resilient. 

Not only do kids get to play and have fun at a summer camp, but they also remain intellectually engaged as it allows for children to keep learning, staying interactive, and enjoying themselves at the same time. 

Benefits of the Summer Camp Experience

Much like school, summer camp is a learning experience for children. It helps their developmental skills and opens their eyes to new experiences, ways of thinking, and helps them meet new people outside of an academic setting. 

Learning through play has great developmental benefits and that is why summer camps are so important for your children. Moreover, having physical playtimes like running and climbing helps support muscle strength and endurance.


At summer camp, kids can learn about teamwork by working in groups on different activities, enhance their social skills, and learn to be a little more self-sufficient. 

Kids get to participate in group activities where they have to learn to properly communicate with other children and camp counselors, as well as do some problem-solving. Teamwork is a valuable lesson that we all should learn, and summer camp is the perfect setting for it. It teaches children that sometimes the best way to do something is in a group and not alone.

Independence and Social Skills

A shy child might shine in this environment because they can be their uninhibited selves. They can become more independent and trust themselves and their inner voice. Summer camp can also boost your children’s self-esteem as they become more and more self-reliant. 


Camp is a safe environment where parents don’t have to worry about leaving their child for a certain time. Children get to make ever-lasting friendships with each other and learn to give help when needed by others. Not only that, but kids also feel a sense of purpose and it is a fun reason to get up in the morning, instead of feeling sluggish and bored. 

By the time their school year starts again, they feel energized and ready to learn. 

It’s Playtime at Jumbaloo!

If you are searching online for a summer camp in Ontario, then look no further! 

Our team, at Jumbaloo Playgrounds, takes pride in offering a fun and loving environment to children of all ages, starting from infants. You can trust us to make your kids look forward to going to a summer camp again! 

If you want to book play hours with us today or this summer, contact us at 905-785-3990 or visit our contact page for more information.

The beautiful little girl with hands in the paint
April 6, 2021 by admin 0 Comments

Earth Day Crafts for the Whole Family

Each year on April 22, Earth Day is celebrated by millions of people worldwide. Started by former US Senator Gaylord Nelson in response to a devastating oil spill, it’s since become an annual event to raise awareness of both the dangers of pollution and the initiatives we can follow to help make the Earth a healthier planet.

This year’s motto for Earth Day is Restore Our Planet. In response to the threats that climate change has posed, this theme calls us to focus on the processes, actions and innovations that can help us restore our planet to a cleaner state.

Let’s review why Earth Day is a great time to teach your kids about the importance of taking care of the environment. We’ll also go over some of our favourite Earth Day-themed activities and crafts that are sure to be fun and informative for the whole family.

Explaining Earth Day to Your Kids

Earth Day is the perfect time to teach your kids about the value of the environment and the important role that each of us play in keeping it healthy and clean. Our children are our future — and if anyone is going to make a difference in fighting the likes of climate change for future generations, it’s them!

While teaching our children about the planet can be fun and interesting, it’s also an important act of civility. When kids learn about the importance of the environment at a younger age, they’ll be more likely to adopt sustainable habits and follow greener initiatives in the years to come.

Teaching children about environmental care is also a great way to help them sharpen their critical thinking skills, develop greater problem-solving skills and nurture an interest in nature. If your child has a favourite animal or plant, teaching them what Earth Day represents is a great way to remind them of the greater role environmental care plays in keeping our habitats intact.

Earth Day Activities for Kids

Encouraging your kids to participate in eco-friendly activities is a great way to enforce their interest in keeping the world healthy. Some activities that are great for raising awareness may include:

  • Planting a tree in the backyard
  • Letting your child help with identifying and sorting recyclable items
  • Going on frequent walks or bike rides to reduce carbon emissions
  • Encouraging them to better manage their energy use (eg. turning off the lights, turning off the water while brushing teeth, turning off devices when they’re not in use)
  • Teaching them how to grow herbs and plants
  • Feeding outdoor wildlife or building a birdhouse

Earth Day Crafts For Kids

Another great way to get kids excited about Earth Day is to plan some fun at-home crafts to do with the family. Here are just a few of our favourite ideas:

Earth Cookies

These tasty Earth-shaped cookies are super fun, simple and inexpensive to make! You’ll just need:

  • 2 packages of sugar cookie mix
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 sticks of butter
  • Blue food colouring
  • Green food colouring

Prepare the sugar cookie batter per the instructions on the packaging and be sure to keep both portions in separate bowls. Add the blue food colouring to one batch and add the green food colouring to the other batch.

Next, take two spoonfuls of each coloured batter, combine them and roll them so that they form a ball in your hands. Lastly, place them on a cookie sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes. Let them cool and they’ll be good to eat!

Flower Crowns/Wreaths

Flower crowns are a great way to foster your child’s appreciation for one of nature’s finest offerings! Whether you decide to use real or pretend flowers, crown or wreath-making is a great activity that will encourage your child to get creative with pattern making and designing. To put these together, you’ll need:

  • Flowers and leaves (either collected from the garden or cut-out from your chosen medium)
  • Construction paper
  • Double-sided tape
  • Scissors
  • Stapler

First, prepare the base of your craft by cutting a long strip from the construction paper. If you’re making a flower crown, you’ll want to make sure you measure your child’s head size (it may require two strips of paper combined). We recommend making your strip at least 10 cm thick.

Next, create an adhesive surface by placing the double-sided tape onto each strip. Let your child take care of the sticking! Staple any objects for extra security.

Compost Bin Decorations

When we picture our compost bins, we don’t typically imagine them as being a particularly eye-catching accessory. Instead of thinking of them as ordinary or even ugly, consider decorating them as a way of making waste disposal a little more exciting!

While we don’t suggest using permanent paint solutions or anything that may deface your compost bin (as your city may not like this), purchasing fun stickers or gluing some colourful decorations to your bin is a great alternative.

Come Play at Jumbaloo

We hope you’ve enjoyed our tips on how to make this Earth Day a fun, informative and productive learning experience for your kids this year! Over the past year, we’ve learned that there are so many fun activities for families to do at home — and we’ve been happy to share our ideas with all of our dedicated customers.

Our team at Jumbaloo Playgrounds is thrilled to have our doors open again and welcome you to our indoor playground space. We are following all hygiene protocols in response to COVID-19 to ensure our space is fully safe for all.

To book your next playdate at Jumbaloo, call us at 905-785-3990 or fill out our contact form. We can’t wait to see you soon!