Preparing Your Kids for Back to School
Within the last year and a half, with the COVID-19 pandemic having disrupted most “normal” school routines, the words “back to school” have had a very different meaning. It has been difficult for so many adults and children alike to get excited about being in the classroom, whether in-person or virtual. However, with case counts dropping and vaccinations on the rise, a normal, in-person school year looks like it’s finally within reach.
At Jumbaloo, we believe this is a time to celebrate! Going back to school is always something both parents and children look forward to, and as we near the hopeful-end of this strange and unprecedented time, going back to school is now seen as more exciting than ever; a win, a victory.
This blog will touch on some fun kids activities and back to school tips and tricks to help you and your child get ready to return to a safe classroom. Read on to learn more!
Make Things Fun!
Going back to school is a monumental event that all parents and kids can celebrate! This includes making the preparation for the upcoming school year fun, as well as fitting in some exciting kids activities along the way.
Buying school supplies doesn’t have to be a drag — it can be seen as a super-fun activity for families to do together. Is there a couple of weeks before school starts? Turning this into an anticipated event will get the kids engaged. Make a list of required supplies and then let your child(ren) have fun choosing the items themselves; notebooks, pencils, pens, a new backpack and so much more!
If new school supplies aren’t exciting enough, then surely a new wardrobe will be! The start of a new school year often marks the time for many kids to get some fresh, new duds in time for the changing season. Consider marking a mini-shopping spree on your calendar and stopping to grab lunch at your child’s favourite restaurant.
Encourage Positivity and Excitement
Going back to school after a fun-filled summer can be tough. This is why it’s important to remind children of all the positive and exciting aspects going to school will offer. And, after another round of online learning as a result of the pandemic, children have spent even more time than usual away from all of the fun elements that can be found in a classroom setting.
In the summer, kids can often lose touch with their friends from school. For kids living in Ontario, many of them have seen their friends since April. Wow! Be sure to remind your children of the excitement that comes with reconnecting with friends and, if possible, it might even be a good idea to arrange a few play dates with friends before the long-awaited first day back.
If there’s an extracurricular activity or favourite subject that your child has spent time away from, consider giving them a mini-assignment or an activity that will help them get back into the groove of learning again. This could be an art project, writing a short story or a fun, physical activity.
Create a Summer Memory Book
It’s always sad when summer comes to an end. One of the best ways to help your children gain closure with summer, and get them prepared to go back to school, is to help them create a summertime memory book. This is a great way to encourage your children to get creative and, along the way, allow them to strengthen their writing and processing skills.
Ideas include; printing photos of cherished memories, listing their favourite activities, collaborating with friends and family, painting, and drawing pictures. Then, compile everything into a book for safe-keeping.
Remember, kids… summer will come again!
Book Your Play Date at Jumbaloo Today!
Why not mark the end of summer with a fun-filled day at our indoor playground! At Jumbaloo, we are thrilled to have our doors open once again and are here to provide your children with a safe, secure space to play, laugh and learn.
To book your next play date or party at Jumbaloo, call us at 905-785-3990 or visit our booking link.
We look forward to hosting your child’s next playtime adventure before they head back to school and into the classroom!